Will Wilson

President | Will Wilson, with over thirty five years of commercial real estate experience, provides leadership and direction for Jim Wilson & Associates (JWA) for both internal and third-party interests, including shopping centers, multi-use commercial projects, industrial parks and residential development featuring both multi-family and single-family projects. This extensive background of experience begins with local involvement and extends to national recognition. Wilson is a long-tenured member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). He serves as Vice Chairman of The Committee of 100, the economic development committee of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce, is a Board Member of the Alabama Wildlife Federation and is a Trustee of Huntingdon College where he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.

Will Wilson


Phone: 334 260 2500
Fax: 334 260 2533
Email: a.langston@jwacompanies.com

Will WilsonWill Wilson, with over thirty five years of commercial real estate experience, provides leadership and direction for Jim Wilson & Associates (JWA) for both internal and third-party interests, including shopping centers, multi-use commercial projects, industrial parks and residential development featuring both multi-family and single-family projects. This extensive background of experience begins with local involvement and extends to national recognition. Wilson is a long-tenured member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). He serves as Vice Chairman of The Committee of 100, the economic development committee of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce, is a Board Member of the Alabama Wildlife Federation and is a Trustee of Huntingdon College where he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.
